My Thoughts on Crumbley

High school student Sarita shares thoughts on Jennifer Crumbley verdict



2/19/20242 min read

Jennifer Crumbley, mother of Ethan Crumbley, was recently convicted of manslaughter for her son’s murder of four high school students in Michigan. The public has posed two questions following the verdict: should the mother have been convicted for her negligence- and- will the jury’s decision actually have an impact on the increasing gun violence the nation is experiencing?

To answer the former, we have to look towards the circumstances of the case. The Crumbley parents had bought a handgun for their fifteen year-old son as a gift. When I read this, my first thought was: why would you give a minor access to an extremely dangerous weapon? Approving this purchase was Jennifer’s first mistake. After Ethan had drawn disturbing images in class, both of the parents were called in by the school. The school had suggested they take him home, but despite clear mental health issues their child was facing, they refused. This was the same day Ethan carried out the horrific murder of the four high school students. By ignoring signs of mental instability and not providing their son with adequate resources to deal with it, this can be classified as child negligence. That is why I agree with the verdict.

However, we are now brought to the latter question: Will the jury’s decision be enough to reform laws involving guns? The conviction has certainly set a precedent for future similar cases, though this may not be enough. The perpetuation of gun violence is largely due in part to some legislators’ archaic views of the Constitution. Many pro-gun legislators have defended their view through the second amendment, but they fail to recognize how the Second Amendment can only be pleaded with consideration of the times. Gun violence is on a steady incline. According to the CDC, almost 50,000 people died from gun related injuries in 2021- and that number is only getting bigger. We cannot begin to progress as a nation in terms of gun violence if we keep those who blatantly ignore gun violence in power. The Crumbley case is a step in the right direction, but without concrete reforms made to our government and laws, the death rate from guns will only keep increasing.

It is past the time when those in power take no action. The inaction shows a blatant disregard for those who have fallen to guns, and it is high time we do something about it. The time is now-1 plead that those in power respond actively to keep schools and society safe.

Editor's note. Ethan's father, James Crumbley's trial is due to begin in about a month.


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